Monday, August 29, 2005

Trials and Triangulation

10 years, and they'll be standard on every American car.
I want one on a hat, THEN let's see people mess with me.

Article here

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Even smaller houses than the one I have

These tiny houses come to you by way of my brother. I'm surprised that I still find them so cool, even after living in a tiny house with Brat, Frances and two cats for the summer.

Nonetheless, they're fucking awesome.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I'm not so clever.
Clicking the "Interests" links in my profile, I've found others as unclever as I.
How many you say?? Well....
Typing: 10
Entering Information: 0
Seperating interests with commas: 4
Nodding with approval at the interests I typed: 0

It's the "Seperating interests with commas: 4" that depresses me. But why would "Typing" be a hobby? Only one of the profiles was sarcastic. Creative writing could be a hobby. Chatting with strangers, making an online journal, creating dirty fan-fiction Alias scripts; all appropriate hobbies. But otherwise, to me it says "I love Data Entry".


Saturday, August 20, 2005

One final farewell.

Hootray for FINE lIIQUERS

Hello Friends. It's 2:49 AM right now and I am currently loaded. We should all make a "Drunk" posts, so I can enjoy, be bothered by, or make fun of all of you. here's Mmy drunk post question:

What does the expressino "can't see the forest for the trees" mean. I've asked others but no-one agrees with my definition,m Which I REALLY want to be right. My sefinition:
"I can't see any forest around here, not with all of these trees in the way!!"
I thought it was used to describe someone being too close to a situation to describe or see it. But I have a feeling that I'm wrong. So what the F is it?

P.s. When doing a post while drunk, you are NOT ALLOWED to correct you're spelling. Yes, I saw 6those mistakes.

----With a big drunk "guy to guy, hit you on the back" hug

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Yesterday I Was an Empath...

Discover your Scientific vs. Emotional Intuition. It's not what you know, but how you guess. Today, I am "very well rounded." They have no idea...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Check out this lovely ode to all things redneck.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Shirts...Now with more vomit!!!

I just received two shirts in the mail today from Zazzle!! (stupid name...yes). It's one of those places that you can uplaod a pic and put it on a shirt. The quality is light years ahead of the iron-on crap I used before. Shipping was $6.00, so you should make two shirts if you do it. Sorry for the advertisement for some company I don't own, I'm just excited that I can have vomit on a shirt and still call it clean.

My shirts


Even better than the Wikipedia is the new Uncyclopedia - what an amazing wealth of uninfo!

Go forth and contribute!

Fuckin' A, man

I've just finished 2,133 pages of discovery related to a violent stranger raper, with a penchant for urinating in women's mouths. I need a vacation.

Which reminds me, as of tomorrow, Brat, Frances and I are going on vacation. Please direct all your DirtyBird-related inquiries to the heavens above, as I will be unavailable, beer in hand, in the hinterlands of Idaho.

So, take good care of each other, this blog, and the rest of the world. We'll be back in town on Saturday, 8/20, ready for further adventures. Until then, my friends, you're on your own.

You have a friend in Jesus,


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Playing around with Google Earth, I noticed that the bridge by UW is up. I think that's awesome. Maybe people will come and visit, thinking we have some cool jumps.

Star Wars Kid

I'm sure most have seen this but felt incase some haven't, it should be shared. Saw it the other day at my cousins. The best part about this is the amount or remixs created from this. This is a link to the original.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Pillow Pal

I wonder if they have one for the SA58 T48?

Leaping Felines!

I don't know, I just like them:

Friday, August 05, 2005

Myron's Monkey Business

'Sup, G's?

So, I can't seem to let this Myron Brown spam business rest. I've been reading the comments Myron's spam victims have left on his latest post. I was struck by the fact that some folks agreed with Myron's lunatic fringe positions. So, I decided to check those folks out.

As it happens, all the folks who agree with Myron are, well, Myron himself. He's been logrolling his own blog, under different names, in an apparent effort to make it look like he has supporters.

If'n you're interested, you can find the details of my latest research in comments 21 and 22 (!) in the comments section of Myron's post from Thursday, August 4th, 2005. I'm so very curious to see if he'll reply.

My apologies if this isn't interesting to anyone but me. Ever since Amazon, I've just been fascinated by the shenanigans dishonest ShitBirds like Myron get up to on this here Internet. It makes me so very happy to find them out, and share the details of their bullshit with the world.

It's people! Soylent Green is people! Tell the world!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Mysterious Myron Brown

By now you may have noticed that there's a comment on my post of the picture of the funny little English cop car. Weird thing is, it's not from anyone on this here blogging team. It's the second time that's happened, so I set out to investigate.

It was posted by someone named "Myron," and it looks like nothing so much as an ad for his own blog, "Far Right Wing." Compelled by his cheekiness and his lack of punctuation, I checked out his blog.

And what a blog it is. It's a collection of barely literate screeds against all the dangerous liberal elements young Myron sees hiding under every bed. As an example, consider his remarks about the good Senator McCain:

"Sen. John McCain is covert liberal and is not to be trusted this man make John Kerry look wholesome. He is dislike by American Conservative and he knows it."

It's not every man who can pack a run-on sentence, an error in plurality, an error in tense, and a lack of both an indefinite and definite article in just 29 words, but our man Myron is up to the challenge. Go Myron! You make heap big trash talk politician man! Me vote how him say vote I!

I put a comment on his latest post, asking him why he'd commented on my post. Reading through the rest of the comments to his latest post and his past posts, it looks like he's in the habit of spamming a whole ShitPile of blogs, apparently to draw traffic to his own blog. He doesn't discriminate when it comes to who he spams, as there's an outraged comment from a liberal Portland woman, who testily tells Myron, "I like men who are LEFT/GREEN and men who are AGAINST bush and the war, etc." Testify, you fucking hippie!

He hasn't responded to anybody's comments, so I've sent him an email asking the same questions I did in my comment. It'll be interesting to see if he replies.

In his profile, he says he's a 24-year-old student in New Jersey, studying engineering. To date, I've been unable to find any Myron Browns in Jersey, but I still have a few places to check. I've Googled him mightily, looking for any references to an engineering student named Myron Brown, without result. But that's been complicated by the fact that there's a Myron Brown engineering scholarship, so maybe our fellow is studying to be an engineer just like his daddy.

His profile photo is hotlinked from a site called That site is registered to someone in Lubbock, Texas, so I think that's a dead end. I guess young Myron just saw the picture when he was buying more camo underwear, and decided to use it in his profile.

I'd dearly like to get to the bottom of this mystery. Who is Myron Brown? What trauma led him to spam hither and yon? Do they teach English at his engineering school? How can so much bullshit be packed inside one man's head? America wants to know, Myron.

I know most English police aren't armed...

But isn't there such a thing as adding insult to injury?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

D-Bird, I'll see your $1000 and raise you a nickel...

I really want one of these, and I have absolutely no reason for it. 45 miles and hour, seating one and a half, and company logos (optional).

I think I just want to own something I don't need. I should probably just spend my money on this.

LNC ltd. (Little Nerd Cars of England)

Like what you see? Tough shit!

At Toyota of Australia you can buy all kinds of varieties of Landcruiser LC78. Needless to say, you can't get them here. If you could, they'd doubtless be tarted up with leather and onboard televisions for your fat, disobediant children.

This is also a cool site. Be sure to check the expeditions and military pages.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

NASA, why are you so very stupid?

So, they're going to stick astronaut Stephen Robinson on the end of the shuttle's 18 meter robotic arm. Then they're going to gently move him so he's down around near the shuttle's belly. Then, he'll examine the material sticking out of the bottom of the shuttle. He'll try to tug on it. If that doesn't work, he'll use forceps. If that doesn't work, he'll use an improvised hacksaw. The Globe & Mail says the saw is made out of "a blade, plastic ties, duct tape, Velcro and other items."

Maybe it's just me, but why in the name of sweet Christ isn't there a regular, non-improvised hacksaw somewhere up there, either on the shuttle or on the station? Space exploration is a risky business, and the machines we use to do it sure seem to break down a lot. Given all that, maybe bringing up a tool kit might not be such a bad idea. Maybe some space-screwdrivers, some galactic vise-grips, an astro-saw, some orbital duct tape, that kind of thing. Does that seem reasonable, or is there some part of this I'm missing? Our astronauts were strapped when they landed on the moon, so why not take a tool kit with them up to orbit?