Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hootray for FINE lIIQUERS

Hello Friends. It's 2:49 AM right now and I am currently loaded. We should all make a "Drunk" posts, so I can enjoy, be bothered by, or make fun of all of you. here's Mmy drunk post question:

What does the expressino "can't see the forest for the trees" mean. I've asked others but no-one agrees with my definition,m Which I REALLY want to be right. My sefinition:
"I can't see any forest around here, not with all of these trees in the way!!"
I thought it was used to describe someone being too close to a situation to describe or see it. But I have a feeling that I'm wrong. So what the F is it?

P.s. When doing a post while drunk, you are NOT ALLOWED to correct you're spelling. Yes, I saw 6those mistakes.

----With a big drunk "guy to guy, hit you on the back" hug


Blogger Stace said...

I'm not drunk but up early for me on a Saturday and the coffee is starting to course thru my veins.

I always thought it meant you can't see the details or enjoy the small things about something.

Blogger DirtyBird said...

Well, I gotta come down on the opposite side of the fence from Stace. No, not the gay fence.

So you've got a situation, say driving across a desert. That situation is made up of several smaller issues: do you have gas?; is your radiator going to boil over?; do you know the way?; do you have water to drink?; etc., etc. The meta-situation, driving across the desert, is the forest. The smaller issues that comprise the meta-situation are the trees.

Let's then say as you drive, you're thinking only of your radiator -- you keep stopping and topping it off, over and over. Eventually, you pour all of your water into the radiator. You then die of thirst. By only looking at the radiator / tree, you failed to see the meta-situation / forest. And you died because of it.


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