Friday, March 30, 2007

They grow up so fast these days...

Sweet, salty nut! Two Bainbridge girls are under arrest for trying to poison their teacher. Check it:

Thursday, March 29, 2007

More LOLCats

That's right folks - a blog devoted to cat pics with captions!

Friday, March 23, 2007

I hate it,I love it.

I just have to share this terrible, awful, earworm of a song. It is so so bad, that it somehow rules, and I am so ashamed.
Bonus! Snoop Dogg french inhaling. Seriously.

Monday, March 19, 2007

All Hail the Mighty Gourd!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Angry Samoans Comix!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Tenacity, thy name is rebar

So I missed this story until my brother sent it to me. Apparently a local statue of Leif Erikson was slated to be moved from its current location to a new memorial honoring Scandanavian immigrants - my people.

When work crews set out to cut old Leif down, they ran into trouble. There was far more rebar than they expected, some inch thick reinforcing rods they didn't know about, and also several thousand pounds of concrete in one of the statue's legs. They finally got Leif moved Saturday, but he hung on to his plinth for days with a mute tenacity.

This story makes me very happy, and not just because I'm named after his father. I've always wondered why I can be so Goddamn bullheaded about stuff. If this statue is any indication, I'm not the only stubborn Scandanavian with an axe.

Way to go Leif. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Why Mommy is Sick to her Stomach.

Golly, I am a good liberal. I really am. Why do they keep pushing me to become a Dittohead? Why?