Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The stupid is the target of my shovel

This man loves his shovel.

I also love my shovel.

The same they are, the shovels. They are brother shovels!

Monday, September 25, 2006

The perils of a second glance

So I met up with Brat as she got off the boat today. Walked her into work, and grabbed a case file from her that I'd forgotten at home. On the walk back to my office, I passed a man wearing a reflectorized safety vest, with lettering on the back.

As I walked by him, I tried to read the writing on his vest. At first glance, I thought it said, "Wendy Batty / Zeppelin Safety."

Sadly, when I looked again, I found it actually read, "Wendell Beatty / Zero in on Safety." That's just not nearly as cool.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

F*cking Emperors

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Most important post, ever

Now it's important to note that the product's name is actually "Sweet & Salty Nut." However, from anything more than that six inches away, it looks just like a box full of SWEET SALTY NUT! Saw them, had to buy them. They're delicious.

However, now Brat and I can't seem to stop saying Sweet Salty Nut as an exclamative. It sounds especially good if you're impersonating Sanford & Son.

I have a new catch phrase. Snap!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Umm, yeah. . .

OK, let's get this knackered old mare back on her feet! Perhaps a visit to Population Paste (the Cute Overload of seriously disturbing porn) might get things rolling. . .

Are you an expert???

Or just an amateur?
Because you will wonder, oh yes, you will wonder how this came to pass...I was looking for info on kegel exercises. Not monkey spanking.
Absolutely check out the reader comments . Perhaps even make one of your own.

ps. this blog is like a knackered old mare.