Friday, February 23, 2007

In my language

My good friends Deb and Tim have two boys diagnosed in the 'autistic spectrum'. Deb sent this link. It is wildly thought provoking, not only about how we judge and perceive autistic people, but everyone we meet, based on our understanding of normal.Check it out:

Thursday, February 22, 2007


This company builds
custom Saiga shotguns;

a Russian shotgun,
based on the Kalashnikov.

I enjoy to look at them.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Well, this is awesome

Notice that the title is "Awesome Cannon Montage"

...and as I officially decline the gracious cabin invitation, I only hope that you fools have as much fun up there as these fools did making this. Man, I'm gunna miss it.

Friday, February 16, 2007

In the category of Strange Things I Didn't Know 10 Minutes Ago:

Apparently, there's something special about the note of B flat. Play it to a male alligator and he'll bellow back at you. No one knows why, he just does it. Only for B flat. And, just to increase the strange factor, there's a black hole out there that is more or less humming to a nearby gas cloud, humming in the frequency of B flat.

Sort of makes one want to go around with a B flat and see what else out there sings back...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Free laptop, but the offer has strings...

As if you needed another reason to wish you were a child in the third world, a program conceived by MIT academics is rolling out a program called "One Laptop per Child." They're looking to give laptops to loads of kids in developing countries.

Pretty neat looking machines - kinda bare bones, with an on board crank generator, and some kind of local wireless network so you don't need the Inter-Web to trade files in the same room, or hut, or what have you.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Paul Wolfowitz has no mother