Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Loving you is easy, 'cause you're beautiful...

So I was trying to find pictures of a UAV recovery vehicle, to show Gnat that everything old is new again. I dropped by fas.org, which is about as interesting a site as the DirtyBird could ever hope to find. Got sidetracked by an interesting article about where our nukes are currently being stored.

Turns out, we've still got 10,000 nuclear warheads. Regional chauvinists will be pleased to note that the single largest concentration of them is right here at home, at Sub Base Bangor. Say WA!

Lots of interesting stuff in the article - a google maps tour of the storage facilities, lots of background on where we used to keep our nukes, and a terrific Q&A section at the end. Well done, Mr. Kristensen.


Blogger DirtyBird said...

The thing I find so interesting about this whole business is something the fella pointed out in the Q&A at the end.

Specifically that the proliferation of nukes 'mongst the mud hut and kalashnikov set increases the probability of a nuclear exchange. That's even more true now that both the US and The Bear have foreshortened their nuclear umbrellas.

It's nice on the one hand, 'cause all of us would probably live through an exchange between India and Pakistan. But think what a nuclear war in South Asia would do to Mid-East stability...

And on the other hand, an exchange between Israel and Iran would involve all the big boys, and their big toys, and we would all die, sooner or later.

It's a lovely world, isn't it?


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