Saturday, November 11, 2006

Best... Idea... Evar....

Wish we had wild turkeys around here, as I'm not sure how much meat is on them sparrows or whatever they call themselves these days.



Blogger Agienne!!! said...

I'll use that if I need a higher precision weapon. Until then, I'm fine with my Honey-Mustard Gas.

\Cue the sound of a goofy trombone "whaa whaaa.."

Blogger DirtyBird said...

Outstanding stuff, man.

I had a great uncle who'd load his .410 shotgun shells with rock salt, and shoot at the asses of dogs who'd crap on his lawn. Who knew he was actually a culinary pioneer.

They had season shot on the NPR this weekend, as part of the pick the real news story out of the list of fake ones, on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me. I was wishing desperately that season shot existed, but I figured it just couldn't be true. I was so Goddamn happy when it turned out it did.

If we were just cannibals, there'd be a secondary market for this stuff for urban self-defense. I'd roll with #4 jerked jacker buckshot, or maybe 00 Crispy Crip.

Blogger Ian Gilman said...

It's almost enough to make me wish I wasn't a vegetarian! How well do think it would work on a butternut squash?


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