Thursday, November 16, 2006

Holy Fuck


Blogger DirtyBird said...

Yeah man, I've been turning this one over in my head more than I care to admit. It's one thing to get away with a double homicide. It seems like another thing entirely to write a book about it afterward, discussing how you did it, if you did it.

I'm all for freedom of the press. And I support the judicial process, albeit with a ShitPile of queasy misgivings - said misgivings brought forth by my front row seat at said process.

However, an event like this makes me pine for a simpler time, devoid of all the intricacies and complications of modern life. I'd like to see Ron Goldman get to march The Juice out into a potato field somewhere, and cut old OJ's head right off. Give me that old time justice, Anglo Saxon style.

I guess that's the hardest part to swallow. To me it feels like the only way justice could be served would be to kill OJ in the same horrific way he killed two people. But that outcome is impossible under our current justice system. But, that same justice system does an okay job of dispensing justice to many people.

Maybe the way to do things would be to add an "I call BullShit" clause to our legal system. You could let it run on its own until you run across an OJ kind of situation. Then you could enact the clause, and in comes the potato field and the axe. Only problem is, who picks when to enact the clause?

Ultimately, things will only work when philosophers are kings. I therefore hope I can count on your support in my next campaign for King of the world.

Blogger Christina Gilman said...

It's a bit closing the barn after the horse is in the next county, but they are cancelling the publication of the book. Of course, there are copies on eBay already...


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