Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Shouldn't it be in a Mercury?

I'm not a "Gear Head" at all, But LOVE pointlessness. Here's a Renault V10 singing "We Are The Champions"
Article (pointless)
Audio Link (pointless BUT NEW!!!)


Blogger DirtyBird said...

One of my earliest California memories was when our Renault caught on fire. After eating at a restaraunt, we returned to our Renault. It wouldn't start, so my Dad got out to pop the hood.

Just as I'm trying to figure out why the paint was bubbling on the hood, my dad pops it and flames shoot out from underneath it. While we ate, the Renault had spontaneously combusted.

My Mom and I go scrambling out of the car and this dude runs up and says, "I've got a fire extinguisher in my 4-wheel-drive Chevy Blazer! Let me go and get my fire extinguisher from my 4-wheel-drive Chevy Blazer!"

He came back, and he and my Dad put the fire out. All of which is a long way of saying, don't ever buy a French machine. It's just not worth it - no matter how pretty they sing.

Blogger Agienne!!! said...

Side note: I love it when real life provides the symbolism or irony. Such as the extinguisher being in the "Blazer"; and the French "fucking things up".


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