Monday, October 03, 2005

These fucking spamming ShitBirds

Agienne, is that how it works -- the more places a link to a site appears in the Internet, the higher up it appears on search results? What a fucking shitty way to make a buck. It's like someone tattooed an ad on my forehead.

What do y'all think about turning on the word verification anti-spam comment thingamajig? It might cut down on all this specious nonsense that we're being hit with.

Why is it that every new or cool is eventually flooded with people selling pyramid schemes and penis enlargers? Oh yeah, it's because everybody is a fucker.


Blogger halibut said...

Hey, I was just browsing around and I found your cool blog. My purple headed womb ferret is constantly in need of SPAM.

DB - turned the verification thing on. If it pisses everyone off then it can removed, but hopefully it will help. Sweet...

Blogger DirtyBird said...

So it's an extra step, but if that's what it takes to stop these motherfuckers, then I'm down.


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