Tuesday, January 16, 2007


That's the email address for the Federal Way School Board. I'd encourage y'all to drop them a line. They should know that we're not all Frosty Hardison's out here. Here's my email:

To Whom It May Concern:

I'm writing you today to express my profound disappointment in your decision to severely limit the circumstances under which your students may view the recent documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." This is a dunder-headed decision of the highest possible magnitude.

The facts presented in the documentary are just that - facts. The idea that humans have changed the Earth's climate is now an accepted scientific fact, and has been endorsed by all accepted, accredited, legitimate scientific bodies.

In fact the only "scientists" who deny a human impact on Earth's climate are thinly-veiled paid shills for various resource-extraction companies, whose research methods have been examined and scorned by all legitimate scientific bodies. You'll hear less and less from these shills, because even oil companies have started to face facts, and have accordingly ended their support for their former propaganda artists.

I gather the impetus for your poorly considered decision came from an email you received from one "Frosty Hardison." I gather further that Mr. Hardison, father of seven (!) is a creationist, who believes the Earth is 14,000 years old.

In caving to Mr. Hardison's demands that you not expose his many, many children to views that contradict his own, you have displayed a truly notable lack of moral courage. You have bent over backward to accomodate a man who lives his life by the precepts laid down by the elders of a wandering, Sephardic tribe from several thousand years ago. In so bending, you chose to ignore the intervening thousands and thousands of years of scientific progress; however haphazard said progress has been.

Even worse, you've tried to mask the true effect of your actions behind doublespeak. One of your members even went so far as to suggest that limiting speech - by restricting "An Inconvenient Truth" - actually encouraged debate. I was not surprised to learn this board member was an attorney. Only an attorney could come up with such a piece of non-sensical frippery.

What's next? What other Christian precepts will you choose to impose on your student body? Your decision is one more paving stone on the road to a theocracy. I am shocked, dismayed, and angered by your decision. From here on out, when I hear the words, "Federal Way" I will think "ignorant, cowardly, Janus-faced appeasers."

Good luck with your decision. You will surely need it.


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