Sunday, September 04, 2005


If we pool our money together, in about 20 years we might get close. Was playing around on the web and saw this. Kind of one of those fantasy, how cool would this be to own things. Enough room for everybody.


Blogger DirtyBird said...

Well you know man, that's only about 85 grand an acre.

Seen and heard about these small San Juan islands going on the block every once in awhile. For my money, it'd be about the perfect way to ride out whatever is coming next. That's assuming you have the manpower to patrol it though; 292 acres equals lots of coastline.

But shit, you'd have room to grow food, plenty of timber, room to live, and a water buffer between you and whatever nastiness is happening on the mainland - although Burrows Island looks a little close for my tastes.

The only thing I could think to wish for would be a stream with a small drop, for some low-head hydro. But solar panels are getting better every day, and with the right battery array, and some well-thought out buildings, a fella could really get by up there.

Granted, some of us are partial to islands, but it sure seems like paradise to me. So the question is how, short of an IRA-style bank robbery, do we come up with $25 million? Please understand, I'm not ruling out an IRA-style robbery, but maybe we could make that plan B. Fucking adulthood, man. You never get to rob the bank.


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