Friday, July 08, 2005

This time around the revolution will not be televised...

'Cause there ain't gonna be any more Goddamn electricity once it comes.

I just read through as much of the peak oil production page that Malt sent around as I could stand. Then I went to go take a crap with a good magazine. Despite those twin joys, shitting and reading, all I could think was, 'fuck, fuck, fuck!' Betweeen that and the fait accompli Al Qaeda has handed to the Bush Regime by bombing London, I'm pining for the sweet, digestion-aiding joy that is an American Spirit Yellow.

Right now, I'm alarmed and emotional, so it's a dangerous time to go making conclusions. However, I gotta say some of the decisions our Divine Leader has made are starting to make a lot more sense. Start wars to secure and control oil reserves. At that same time, unify the country by resorting to the politics of fear and a move toward a theocracy. What you hopefully get is access to oil, and a society unified by religion and willing to do whatever you tell them to do, 'cause you've got them so fucking scared -- "look, under that rock, it's a terrorist! -- he's right next to them two married homos burning a flag!." And get those drill into ANWR now, so you've got it on tap once things are really heating up.

If history has taught us one thing, it's that history won't think twice about snuffing you out. If it's taught us two things, it's that it's better to be a Have than a Have-Not.

I want to be a Have. Specifically, I want to have some land, and some food, and some water, and some assurance I'll continue to have those things. Given the way the wind is blowing, I think it might be time to take some steps to make sure we all stay Haves. What do you all think?


Blogger Ian Gilman said...

Indeed, GW's game plan is well thought out. Problem is, it doesn't do any thing to guide us safely through the coming collapse. . . It just delays it, which I believe will make it all the worse when it does come. That's fine for him. . . He's only got a few more decades on this planet. It's not so fine for my daughter though. . . She'll likely live through the heart of the turmoil. It's my job to make sure she's up for it!

Blogger Ian Gilman said...

So yeah, Have sounds good to me. I don't need to have a lot. . . Just the basics, like you said, and some way to keep them going. In my mind, the best strength through adversity lies in community. As Mr. Franklin said, "We must hang together, or surely we shall hang separately."

What do you propose?


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