Thursday, July 07, 2005

Fuckin' A, man.

So, this London business has me pretty Goddamn depressed.

I'm depressed that so many people were murdered. But, I'm also depressed by what's going on in my head. I feel this huge - albeit impotent - rage against the Jihadis who did it. I'd dearly like to hunt down and snuff out every last terrorist, as well as every last person who's ever had a kind word to say about Al Qaeda.

Granted, we trained many of them. Granted, we gave them a home when we abandoned Afghanistan fifteen minutes after Ivan left. Granted, there weren't any terrorists in Iraq until we invaded. Granted, Iraq is a training ground for Jihadis in the exact same way Ivan's presence in Afghanistan was. I grant you all of that. I still want every last one of them to die.

And that, I guess, is pretty much how wars start. Once folks start dying, hearts start hardening. Once people have a relative, or a spouse, or a friend die, they're unlikely to want to make peace with the folks who killed them. The cycle continues - more people die, more hearts harden, more people die, more hearts harden.

We think of them as less than human - they're ragheads, towel heads, sand niggers, carpet pilots, Ali Baba, etc. And in turn, they call us crusaders, infidels, devils, and doubtless honkies to boot. Now that none of us are human, it's a hell of a lot easier to start busting caps.

And some mighty caps they are. Now that the whole world is cheek to jowl and no part of the globe is more than a day on a jet away from any other point, we are officially fucked. We're going to keep bumping up against each other, and keep on killing each other, until the end of time -- be it next week, or next millenium.

If we were simpler monkeys, and if we were just fighting for a patch of forest, that'd be one thing. But we are very fancy, very complicated, very clever monkeys. And we're fighting over a lot more than a patch of forest.

Today, I have hate in my heart. And while I know that hating people will only make things worse, I'm still sitting here, full of hate. Damn my monkey blood. Damn it all to hell.


Blogger DirtyBird said...

Thanks man, it's always nice to hear how good I am!

You're totally right that it's been going on for centuries. I guess right now I'm just depressed that it's looking like it's going to keep going on and on and on.

So yeah, it's time to start stocking up, or it's time to continue to keep stocking up, as the case may be. Check out, man. There's a thriving equipment exchange going on there!

Blogger halibut said...

You know, in my heart, the resounding emotion is disgust. Disgust that they, "the terrorists", are re-invigorating the negative sentiment that surrounds them. I mean, as you said, DB, they're all ragheads, these "terrorists", but their proaganded threat had been recently downgraded to "insurgents", which I felt was a step forward in seeing eye-to-eye with what is actually a community of people (albeit, in my eyes, somewhat misguided), rather than an imposing darkness. Why is that important? Why shouldn't we see them as an inconceivable evil? Because obviously it allows irrational actions by GW and crew to be justified, and further obscures our reasons for being and intentions for staying over there, not to mention, allowing the american people some insight as to why these people are so pissed off.

Now, "they've" gone and killed some more innocents, people who were just traveling to work, or out for a bit of air or whatever. So now fear will propel renewed interest in the Conservative Reich; our fearless leader will seem a little less awful and the sales of plastic american flags made in china will surely jump again.

In other words, I think that this has pushed the revolution further back, which is upsetting. Now I'll have to check the expiry dates on my rations and make sure they'll last until the next time hysteria wears off and the emperor will once again start to look like the butt-fucking idiot that he really is. So yeah, I'm disgusted. No one's gunna "hear your cause" or sympathize with you while you're blowing random shit up. You're just what GW wanted. Brilliant. And not even on his land. Genius. You deserve whatever you get, which hopefully will be slow painful death, you morons.

Blogger halibut said...

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Blogger Ian Gilman said...

Well said, Halibut. I think GW's sound bite from that day sums up how nicely the attacks fall into his game plan: "The war on terror goes on."


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