Monday, April 03, 2006

Rims (Redux)

Ok, ok...

So, the PimpStar rims are getting some heat from y'all, which I can only assume was based solely on price. 'Cause I mean really, it's the best idea in the world, and we would all be better members of society for buying some. Fact. And c'mon, who among us can't afford a set of $15,000 rims? Seriously, it's almost embarrasing. I mean, just last night I was thinking about replacing the solid gold windshield on one of my Escaldes with something flashier, as I'm sure all of us thinks about sometimes, not to mention adding the 8th story to our waterfront chalet.

But, I digress...

Here's a way to get the same pimp satisfaction, but on your bike. And you can build it yourself for less than $100.

Click here to get started on your bi-ped bling.


Blogger Agienne!!! said...

This, sirs, is awesome.

Blogger DirtyBird said...

That instructables site is pretty keen. It's interesting like Make Magazine, but somehow a little less precious. I'm known as the DirtyBird there as well, though I've never posted anything.

Blogger halibut said...

Although precious, MAKE magazine is kickass. I've been a fan since issue two. $pensy, though...

Blogger Agienne!!! said...

I've never seen either of these before yesterday. They're pretty damn incredible,making their own Leslie Speakers and such. I have to learn to solder!

Blogger DirtyBird said...

And we all have to learn to Soldier...

Yeah, Make is pretty cool. Got me a subscription after #2, which has horrified Brat to no end.

Still though, it doesn't bug me in the same way that Wired does. There's something about the self-satisfied tone of that rag of the digerati that just makes me grind my teeth. Read this article about one engineer buying a dirt bike from another engineer, and it just made me want to scream.

I'll satisfy myself, once the world ends, by drinking bourbon out of the skull of a project manager. Sweet, sweet bourbon...


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